
Jackson, Michael (Joseph)

美国歌手和歌曲作者。生於印第安纳州盖瑞(Gary),九岁就成为父亲所组的家族合唱团「杰克森五兄弟」(The Jackson Five)的主唱。摩城唱片公司(Motown)帮他们出的热门单曲有〈我要你回来〉(I Want You Back)、〈ABC〉等。1970年代他们在自己的系列电视节目中演出,也成为卡通影集的主要人物。虽然在1984年以前麦可仍是杰克森乐团成员,但1971年时已开始用个人名义出唱片。个人专辑《墙外》(Off the Wall, 1979)在全世界卖出数百万张。下一张专辑《颤栗》(Thriller, 1982),卖出四万张以上,是史上最畅销的专辑。他出高价向保罗麦卡尼和大野洋子(Yoko Ono)购买两百五十多首保罗麦卡尼和约翰蓝侬所作歌曲的出版权。後来还发表了个人专辑《飙》(Bad, 1987)、《危险之旅》(Dangerous, 1991)和《历史》(HIStory, 1995)。1994年与一名十四岁男童的父母达成和解才撤销这桩儿童性骚扰诉讼案。他的几个兄弟姊妹,尤其是妹妹珍娜杰克森(Janet Jackson, 1966~),单飞後也十分成功。


Jackson, Michael (Joseph)

U.S. singer and songwriter. Born in Gary, Ind., the 9-year-old Jackson became the lead singer of The Jackson Five, a family group formed by his father. Their hits on the Motown label included “I Want You Back” and “ABC.” They played on their own TV series in the 1970s and were also the subject of a cartoon series. Though Michael remained a member of the Jacksons until 1984, he began recording under his own name in 1971. His album Off the Wall (1979) sold millions throughout the world. His next album, Thriller (1982), sold more than 40 million copies, more than any other album in history. He outbid Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono for publishing rights to more than 250 songs composed by McCartney and John Lennon. He later released the albums Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991), and HIStory (1995). A child-molestation lawsuit was dropped in 1994 when he settled with the parents of a 14-year-old boy. Several of his siblings, notably his sister Janet (born 1966), have also enjoyed solo success.

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