
Jackson, Jesse (Louis),原名Jesse Louis Burns。

美国民权领袖。生於南卡罗来纳州格林维尔(Greenville),後来改姓养父姓氏。大学时代即投身於美国民权运动。1965年到阿拉巴马州塞尔马(Selma)参加金恩(Martin Luther King)领导的示威游行,接着为南方基督教领袖会议(Southern Christian Leadership Conference; SCLC)工作。1966年协助创建该会经济组织「面包篮行动」(Operation Breadbasket)的芝加哥分支机构,并於1967~1971年担任该组织的全国总指挥。1968年被任命为浸信会牧师。1971年建立「联合群众为人类服务行动」(Operation PUSH)。他是黑人的主要代言人与拥护者,1983年在芝加哥发动选民登记运动,促成华盛顿(Harold Washington)当选该市第一位黑人市长。1984年和1988年两度进入民主党初选,成为第一个竞选总统的黑人;1988年得票数有670万张。1989年移居华盛顿特区,获选为该市无给职「州级地位参议员」(statehood senator),负责游说国会通过州级地位。


Jackson, Jesse (Louis)

U.S. civil-rights leader. Born in Greenville, S.C., he took his adoptive father's name. He became involved with the civil rights movement as a college student. In 1965 he went to Selma, Ala., to march with Martin Luther King, then worked for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). In 1966 he helped found the Chicago branch of Operation Breadbasket, the SCLC's economic arm, and was its national director 1967-71. He was ordained a Baptist minister in 1968. In 1971 he founded Operation PUSH. A leading spokesman and advocate for blacks, he led a 1983 voter-registration drive in Chicago that helped elect the city's first black mayor, Harold Washington. Jackson became the first black man to run for president by entering the Democratic primaries in 1984 and 1988; he won 6.7 million votes in 1988. In 1989 he moved to Washington, D.C., and was elected the city's unpaid “statehood senator” to lobby Congress for statehood.

分类标签: Operation the 芝加哥