
基督复临归一会的成员。为崇尚独身主义的千禧年教派,曾於18世纪在美国建立公社定居点。前身是英格兰贵格会(参阅Friends, Society of)中的一个激进支派,1774年由文盲纺织女工李(A. Lee)带入美国,李的追随者将她看作是耶稣的第二个化身。该运动从其纽约州奥尔班尼附近的基地开始,传遍整个新英格兰地区,後又传到肯塔基州,俄亥俄州以及印第安纳州,最後建立了十九个公社。在公社里,财产归公,人们奉行独身生活,追求从事生产劳动的生活。尽管有时因其和平主义和被错误地归结到他们身上的奇异信念而受到迫害,震颤派仍以他们的农场模式和有条不紊的繁荣的公社而赢得赞誉。他们具有创造简单实用型设计的天赋,实现了大量发明和革新(参阅Shaker furniture)。震颤派运动在1840年代达到鼎盛,之後逐渐衰退,现在仅新罕布夏州有保留下来的公社。


Member of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, a celibate millenarian sect that established communal settlements in the U.S. in the 18th century. Derived from a branch of radical English Quakers (see Society of Friends), the movement was brought to the U.S. in 1774 by Ann Lee, an illiterate textile worker whose followers accepted her as the second incarnation of Christ. The movement spread throughout New England from its base near Albany, N.Y., and later into Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana, eventually establishing 19 communities. Communities held property in common, observed celibacy, and pursued a life of productive labor. Though sometimes persecuted for their pacifism and for bizarre beliefs falsely attributed to them, Shakers won admiration for their model farms and orderly, prosperous communities. Their talent for simple, functional design led to numerous inventions and innovations (see Shaker furniture). The movement reached its height in the 1840s and thereafter gradually declined; today the lone remaining community is at Canterbury, N.H.

分类标签: 公社 震颤 the