
西班牙东北部海港城市,加泰隆尼亚自治区首府。为西班牙最大港和第二大城市,也是西班牙的主要工业和商业中心。据传该市是西元前3世纪由迦太基人哈米尔卡尔.巴尔卡(Hamilcar Barca, 270年~229/228)建立,该城名称即取其名。後来罗马人和西哥德人统治这里。西元715年摩尔人占领之,801年为查理曼率领的法兰克人夺取,成为西班牙边界区首都(加泰隆尼亚)。1137年加泰隆尼亚与亚拉冈统一後,巴塞隆纳成为繁荣的商业中心,并同义大利港口竞争。19世纪这里是激进社会主义运动和加泰隆尼亚分离运动的中心。1937~1939年为保王派的首都(参阅Spanish Civil War),後来佛朗哥占领这里,导致加泰隆尼亚反抗势力的崩溃以及加泰隆尼亚重新并入西班牙。现在的巴塞隆纳以其美丽的建筑着称,包括高第的建筑。该市也是加泰隆语的教育和文化中心。人口约1,505,581(1998)。


Seaport city (metro area pop., 1998: 1,505,581), capital of Catalonia autonomous region, northeastern Spain. Spain's largest port and second-largest city, it is the country's principal industrial and commercial center. Traditionally said to have been founded in the 3rd century BC by the Carthaginian Hamilcar Barca (270?-229/28), for whom it may have been named, it was later ruled by the Romans and Visigoths. It was captured by the Moors c. AD 715, but retaken by the Franks under Charlemagne in 801 and made capital of the Spanish March (Catalonia). After Catalonia united with Aragon in 1137, Barcelona became a flourishing commercial center and the rival of Italian ports. In the 19th century it was a center for radical social movements and Catalonian separatism. It was the loyalist capital in 1937-39 (see Spanish Civil War); its capture by Francisco Franco brought the collapse of Catalonian resistance and Catalonia's reintegration into Spain. Modern Barcelona is known for its handsome architecture, including buildings by Antoni Gaudí, and is an educational and cultural center for the Catalan language.

分类标签: 泰隆 尼亚 巴塞隆纳