


State (pop., 1997 est.; 6,734,000), eastern U.S. Located on the central Atlantic seaboard, it covers an area of 40,767 sq mi (105,586 sq km); its capital is Richmond. The coastal plain, also known as the Tidewater, lies in the east, the Piedmont, in mid-state, and the Blue Ridge and Appalachian mountains in the west. The Potomac, Shenandoah, James, and Roanoke rivers flow through the state. It was inhabited by American Indians when futile attempts were made by English navigator Sir Walter Raleigh to found settlements 1584-87. Britain's first American colony was founded there in 1607 at Jamestown. On the eve of the American Revolution, it was the largest of the 13 colonies and one of the first to resist the British Stamp Act. Its citizens were among the leaders of the Revolutionary period and later contributed four of the country's first five presidents. In 1788 it became the 10th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Though slavery was outlawed, it continued to be an important part of Virginia's economy, and helped precipitate Nat Turner's insurrection (1831). It passed an ordinance of secession in 1861, but the western part of the state refused to secede: it split off to become West Virginia in 1863. Virginia, whose capital of Richmond was also the capital of the Confederacy, bore the brunt of military action during the American Civil War. It was readmitted to the Union in 1870. Strife over state debt took over political life for the next decades, but after World War I the state's prosperity increased. World War II brought thousands to its military camps and caused the Norfolk area to boom. The federal government is Virginia's largest employer, while manufacturing is the second largest. Its port of Hampton Roads is one of the nation's leading ports. Tourism is important; its many historical sites include Colonial Williamsburg, George Washington's Mount Vernon, Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, the Civil War battlefields, and Gen. Robert E. Lee's house, now in Arlington National Cemetery. The College of William and Mary (founded 1693) is the country's second oldest college; the University of Virginia was largely the creation of T. Jefferson.

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