
Bosnian conflict



Bosnian conflict

Ethnically rooted war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a republic of Yugoslavia with a multiethnic population—44% Muslim, 33% Serb, and 17% Croat. Unrest began with Yugoslavia's breakup in 1990; after a 1992 referendum, the European Community recognized Bosnia's independence. Bosnia's Serbs responded violently, seized 70% of Bosnian territory, besieged Sarajevo, and terrorized Muslims and Croats with internment in concentration camps, mass rapes, and summary executions. A 1993 peace plan failed to garner support. After bitter fighting between the Bosnian Croats and the Bosnian government, international pressure forced the two factions to sign a cease-fire and an agreement for a federation. Both then concentrated on their common enemy, the Serbs. After rejected peace plans, attacks and counterattacks, a four-month truce, further multiple offensives, and an intensification of the bombing, the Western nations imposed a final cease-fire negotiated at Dayton, Ohio, in 1995. After 44 months and more than 200,000 deaths, Bosnia-Herzegovina was to become a single state composed of two distinct entities with great autonomy. Sarajevo was assigned to the federation, while other delicate issues were left to international arbitration. Today Bosnia-Herzegovina has three de facto monoethnic entities, three separate armies and police forces, and a very weak national government. Political power is concentrated among hard-line nationalists. See also Radovan Karadzic, Franjo Tudjman.

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