
因低氧导致的突发性脑功能障碍,可造成脑组织死亡。高血压、动脉硬化、吸烟、高胆固醇饮食、糖尿病、老年、心房纤颤以及遗传缺陷都可增加中风的风险。由血栓形成、栓塞?a href='http://www.b15k.com/baike/223/306732.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>托姆肯瞬仍斐傻闹蟹绲贾履匀毖庖焕嘀蟹缬Ω糜胍虺鲅贾碌闹蟹缂右郧郑嵋焕嘀蟹缤现厍页3J侵旅摹V蟹缈梢蚱湓谀灾蟹⑸牟煌课徊煌跋欤缡в铩⒃硕У鳌⒕植刻被荆蛘呱ナ渌恢只蚴指芯酢Q现氐闹蟹缈傻贾掳肷硖被尽⑽薹ㄋ祷啊⒒杳曰蛘咴谑∈被蚴熘谒劳觥J褂?a href='http://www.b15k.com/baike/222/244826.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>抗凝血药可以缓解因血栓或栓塞造成的中风,但如将此类药物用於因出血造成的中风却会酿成大祸。在致病点靠近脑主动脉的情况下,采用手术或许可以清除或掠过障碍。许多中风患者都可再活多年,所以病後应尽快在两天之内就开始复健和言语治疗,以便尽可能更多地保留和恢复机体功能。有些暂时性缺血中风(小中风)会使患者出现短暂的功能丧失,这是因血液流动的局部不顺畅引起的。这种小中风可多次复发并越来越严重,最後导致多发性梗塞痴呆症(参阅senile dementia)或中风。


Sudden impairment of brain function due to hypoxia, which may cause death of brain tissue. Hypertension, arteriosclerosis, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, old age, atrial fibrillation, and genetic defects are risk factors. Strokes due to thrombosis (the most common cause), embolism, or arterial spasm, which cause ischemia (reduced blood supply) must be distinguished from those due to hemorrhage (bleeding), which are usually severe and often fatal. Depending on its site in the brain, a stroke's effects may include aphasia, ataxia, local paralysis, and/or disorders of one or more senses. A massive stroke can produce one-sided paralysis, inability to speak, coma, or death within hours or days. Anticoagulants can arrest strokes caused by clots but worsen those caused by bleeding. If the cause is closure of the major artery to the brain, surgery may clear or bypass the obstruction. Rehabilitation and speech therapy should begin within two days to retain and restore as much function as possible, since survivors may live many more years. Transient ischemic attacks (“mini-strokes”), with short-term loss of function, result from blockage of blood flow to small areas. They tend to recur and may worsen, leading to multi-infarct dementia (see senile dementia) or stroke.

分类标签: 中风 stroke 栓塞