
正式名称为安道尔公国(Principality of Andorra)




Independent coprincipality, southeastern Europe. Lying on the southern slopes of the Pyrenees Mtns., it consists of a cluster of mountain valleys whose streams form the Valira River; it is bounded by Spain and France. Area: 180 sq mi (480 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 65,000. Capital: Andorra la Vella. Much of the population is Spanish; a minority is Andorran. Language: Catalan (official). Religion: Roman Catholicism. Currency: Spanish peseta, French franc. Andorra's independence is traditionally ascribed to Charlemagne, who recovered the region from the Muslims in 803. It was placed under the joint suzerainty of the French counts of Foix and the Spanish bishops of the See of Urgell in 1278, and it was subsequently governed jointly by the Spanish bishop of Urgell and the French head of state. This feudal system of government, the last in Europe, lasted until 1993, when a constitution was adopted that transferred most of the coprinces' powers to the Andorran General Council, a council elected by universal suffrage. Andorra has long had a strong affinity with Catalonia; its institutions are based in Catalonian law and it is part of the diocese of the See of Urgell (Spain). The traditional economy was based on sheepraising, but from the 1950s tourism has become very important.

分类标签: 安道尔 the 赫尔