
Gorky, Maxim,原名Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov。



Gorky, Maxim

Russian writer. After a childhood of poverty and misery (his assumed name, Gorky, means “bitter”), he became a wandering tramp. His early works offered sympathetic portrayals of the social dregs of Russia; they include the stories “Chelkash” (1895) and “Twenty-six Men and a Girl” (1899) and the successful play The Lower Depths (1902). For his revolutionary activity, he spent the years 1906-13 abroad as a political exile. His works include the autobiographical trilogy My Childhood (1913-14), In the World (1915-16), and My Universities (1923). Though initially an open critic of Vladimir Ilich Lenin and the Bolsheviks, after 1919 he cooperated with Lenin's government. He soon became the undisputed leader of Soviet writers; as the first president of the Union of Soviet Writers, he helped establish Socialist Realism. He lived in Italy 1921-28. He died suddenly while under medical treatment, possibly killed on Joseph Stalin's orders.

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