


Any of numerous organic compounds, complex polymers of amino acids needed for biochemical processes. Twenty different amino acids can occur in proteins, in chains of hundreds to thousands of units. An active protein has three important levels of structure: primary (the amino acid sequence), determined by the genes; secondary (the geometric shape, often a helix), determined by the angles of the covalent bonds between (peptide bonds) and within amino acids; and tertiary (the looped and folded overall shape), determined by the hydrogen bonds (see hydrogen bonding) between amino-acid side chains. The tertiary structure, globular or sheetlike with ridges, crevices, or pockets, holds the key to an enzyme's activity. Some proteins are simple (amino acids only), some conjugated (see conjugation) to other groups, often vitamins or metals needed in tiny amounts in the diet. Hemoglobin is a conjugated protein. Proteins may be covalently linked to sugars (glyco-proteins), phosphorus (phospho-proteins), or sulfur (sulfo-proteins). Structural proteins include collagen and keratin. Almost all enzymes are proteins. Other biologically active proteins include hormones (e.g., insulin, ACTH, growth hormone); transport proteins, which carry substances across membranes or to different parts of the body; and antibodies. Proteins have industrial uses in adhesives, plastics, and fibers, but most uses are in foods.

分类标签: 蛋白质 氨基酸 proteins