
Sino-Japanese War

中日两国因为韩国所引发的冲突,这场战争显示日本已掘起为世界强权,并暴露出中国的衰弱。虽然韩国长久以来一直是中国最重要的附庸国,但日本向来亦觊觎韩国的自然资源与战略地位。当日本於1875年促使韩国开放门户对外贸易後,韩国本土的激进派与保守分子间的紧张关系,将中、日两国带进冲突;前者支持日本并主张现代化,後者则多为中国所支持的韩国政府官员。外国的观察家预言规模较大的中国军队将可轻松获胜,但却是日本在陆战和海战中取得压倒性的胜利。在马关(Shimonoseki)条约中,中国承认朝鲜独立,并割让台湾、澎湖和辽东半岛给日本。但日本後来被迫归还辽东半岛。1937年至1945年间,中国在自己的领土上对抗日本的侵略也称为中日战争。(参阅Manchuguo、Marco Polo Bridge Incident、Nanjing Massacre)。亦请参阅Tonghak Uprising。


Sino-Japanese War

Conflict between China and Japan over Korea that marked the emergence of Japan as a world power and demonstrated the weakness of China. Though Korea had long been China's most important client state, Japan became interested in it for its natural resources and its strategic location. After Japan opened Korea to foreign trade in 1875, tensions between radical, pro-Japanese Koreans, who favored modernization, and conservative Korean government officials supported by China brought China and Japan into conflict. Foreign observers predicted an easy victory for the more massive Chinese forces, but Japan scored overwhelming victories on both land and sea. In the Treaty of Shimonoseki, China recognized the independence of Korea and ceded Taiwan, the Pescadores, and the Liaodong Peninsula (the last of which Japan was later forced to return) to Japan. China's resistance to Japan's aggression in Chinese territory from 1937 to 1945 is also referred to as the Sino-Japanese War (see Manchuguo, Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Nanjing Massacre). See also Tonghak Uprising.

分类标签: 日本 韩国 Japan