
正式名称为匈牙利共和国(Republic of Hungary)


西元前14世纪时,匈牙利的西部并入罗马帝国。西元9世纪末,匈牙利人的一支游牧民族在匈牙利大平原定居。西元1000年史蒂芬一世加冕,推动匈牙利的基督教化,并将王国建成一个强大的国家。蒙古人和鄂图曼土耳其人於13、14世纪大举入侵,蹂躏了国家。到1568年现代匈牙利的领土被划分为三个部分。皇家匈牙利归哈布斯堡王朝;特兰西瓦尼亚於1566年取得在土耳其宗主权下的自治;中部平原仍由土耳其控制,直到17世纪末由哈布斯堡王室取得统治。1849年匈牙利宣告脱离奥地利而独立。1867年建立了二元君主制的奥匈帝国。第一次世界大战中奥匈帝国战败,导致匈牙利被分解,只保留了以马札儿为主的那些地区。为了收复一些失土,匈牙利於第二次世界大战期间同德国合作,对抗苏联。战後,建立亲苏的临时政府,由1949年匈牙利人民共和国成立。1956年爆发了反对这个史达林主义政权的行动,但被苏联镇压(参阅Hungarian Revolution)。不过,在1956~1988年共产主义的匈牙利成为东欧苏联集团国家中最为宽容的一个。1989年东欧苏联集团国家独立後,很快吸引大量金额的直接外国投资在欧洲中东部。1999年匈牙利加入北大西洋公约组织。


HungarianMagyar K?ztársaságRepublic, central Europe. Area: 35,919 sq mi (93,030 sq km). Population (1998 est.): 10,135,000. Capital: Budapest. The people are an amalgam of Magyars and various Slavic, Turkish, and Germanic peoples. Language: Hungarian (Magyar) (official). Religions: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism. Currency: forint. The Great Alf?ld (Great Hungarian Plain), with fertile agriculture land, occupies nearly half the country. Hungary's two most important rivers are the Danube and Tisza. Lake Balaton, in the Transdanubian highlands, is the largest lake in central Europe. Forests cover nearly one-fifth of its land. It is one of the more prosperous nations of eastern Europe, and a major world producer of bauxite. A conversion from a socialist to a free-market economy was begun in the late 1980s. It is a multiparty republic with one legislative house; the chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. The western part of Hungary was incorporated into the Roman empire in 14 BC. The Magyars, a nomadic people, settled in the Great Alf?ld in the late 9th century. Stephen I, crowned in 1000, Christianized the country and organized it into a strong and independent state. Invasions by the Mongols in the 13th century and by the Ottoman Turks in the 14th century devastated the country, and by 1568 the territory of modern Hungary had been divided into three parts: Royal Hungary fell to the Habsburgs; Transylvania gained autonomy in 1566 under the Turks; and the central plain remained under Turkish control until the late 17th century, when the Austrian Habsburgs took over. Hungary declared its independence from Austria in 1849, and in 1867 the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary was established. Its defeat in World War I resulted in the dismemberment of Hungary, leaving it only those areas in which Magyars predominated. In an attempt to regain some of this lost territory, Hungary cooperated with the Germans against the Soviet Union during World War II. After the war, a pro-Soviet provisional government was established, and in 1949 the Hungarian People's Republic was formed. Opposition to this Stalinist regime broke out in 1956 but was suppressed (see Hungarian Revolution). Nevertheless, in 1956-88 communist Hungary grew to become the most tolerant of the Soviet-bloc nations of eastern Europe. It gained its independence in 1989 and soon attracted the largest amount of direct foreign investment in eastern central Europe. In 1999 it joined NATO.

分类标签: 匈牙利 the Hungary