
英国斯塔福郡陶工中的着名家族,也是该郡的陶器业由农村个体生产发展成为有组织的工业的主要力量。这个家族中最杰出的几个成员是︰拉尔夫.伍德(1715~1772)、其子小拉尔夫(1748~1795)及其弟艾伦(1717~1785)。小拉尔夫透过他的母亲结识了维吉伍德,两人在事业上维持着密切的合作关系。拉尔夫在大约1760年制成精美的彩釉塑像,他首先引入人形酒壶(状似戴三角帽的矮胖老人)。小拉尔夫制造了许多塑像,其人像用珐琅上色代替彩釉。曾向维吉伍德供应过塑像。艾伦的儿子,威廉(1746~1808)曾被维吉伍德雇用为雕塑师。他的弟弟伊诺克(1759~1840)很有才能,一度是维吉伍德的学徒,约在1783年伊诺克.伍德作为自主的陶工与堂兄小拉尔夫合股开业。1818年,伊诺克独资继续经营,厂名为「伊诺克.伍德父子工厂」。其产品大部分出口到美国。伍德工厂於1846年歇业。亦请参阅Staffordshire figure。

Wood family

English family of Staffordshire potters, a major force in the development of Staffordshire wares from peasant pottery to an organized industry. Its most prominent members were Ralph Wood (1715-1772), his brother Aaron (1717-1785), and his son Ralph Jr. (1748-1795). Ralph Jr. was related through his mother to Josiah Wedgwood, and the two names were often linked professionally. The elder Ralph became famous for his extremely well-modeled figures with colored glazes, and he is credited with introducing the Toby mug. Ralph Jr. produced a variety of figures, coloring them with enamel rather than glazes, and supplied some of them to Wedgwood. Aaron's son William (1746-1808) was employed as a modeler by Wedgwood. His brilliant brother Enoch (1759-1840) apprenticed with Wedgwood but by 1783 was established as an independent potter in partnership with his cousin Ralph Jr. In 1818 he continued his firm as Enoch Wood & Sons. Much of his earthenware was exported to the U.S. The firm closed in 1846. See also Staffordshire figure.

分类标签: 伍德 拉尔夫 伊诺克