
世界主要宗教之一,西元7世纪初期穆罕默德在阿拉伯半岛所创。「islam」一词意指「服从」(submission),特别是服从唯一上帝之意志,阿拉伯语称这唯一上帝为阿拉。伊斯兰教是严守一神论的宗教,其信徒穆斯林认为先知穆罕默德是上帝使者中最後一位且最完美者,其他使者包括亚当、亚伯拉罕、摩西、耶稣等人。伊斯兰教的圣典是《可兰经》,载有上帝对穆罕默德的启示。逊奈所详述的先知穆罕默德的言行举止,也是伊斯兰教信仰与仪式的一项重要来源。所有穆斯林都须履行的义务,总结为五功。伊斯兰教中的根本概念是沙里亚,即「法」(Law),包含了上帝所指示的整体生活方式。遵守教规的穆斯林一天祈祷五次,星期五在清真寺参加伊玛目带领的集体礼拜。每一位信徒一生至少必须到圣城麦加朝圣一次,但贫困者与身障者除外。赖买丹月(Ramadan)定为斋戒月。伊斯兰教禁酒与禁食猪肉,亦禁赌博、高利贷、诈欺、毁谤与塑像。除了庆祝赖买丹月斋戒结束之外,穆斯林还庆祝穆罕默德的诞辰(参阅mawlid)与升天(参阅miraj)。「牺牲节」(Id al-Adha)的庆典开启了麦加朝圣期。穆斯林奉命要以圣战护卫伊斯兰教免於异教徒侵犯。由於哈里发继承问题的争议(参阅caliph),伊斯兰教很早就出现分裂。大约90%的穆斯林属於逊尼派。西元7世纪伊斯兰教分裂出什叶派,此派後来又产生一些支派,例如伊斯玛仪派。伊斯兰教的另一项重要特质,是以苏菲主义为名的神秘论。19世纪开始,伊斯兰共同体(Islamic community)的概念鼓励穆斯林抛开西方殖民统治,二十世纪晚期的基本教义运动(参阅Islamic fundamentalism),还威胁到或动摇了中东地区一些非伊斯兰教政府。


Major world religion founded by Muhammad in Arabia in the early 7th century AD. The word islam means “submission”—specifically, submission to the will of the one God, called Allah in Arabic. Islam is a strictly monotheistic religion, and its adherents, called Muslims, regard the Prophet Muhammad as the last and most perfect of God's messengers, who include Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others. The sacred scripture of Islam is the Quran, which contains God's revelations to Muhammad. The sayings and deeds of the Prophet recounted in the sunna are also an important source of belief and practice in Islam. The religious obligations of all Muslims are summed up in the Five Pillars of Islam. The fundamental concept in Islam is the Sharia, or Law, which embraces the total way of life commanded by God. Observant Muslims pray five times a day and join in community worship on Fridays at the mosque, where worship is led by an imam. Every believer is required to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the holiest city, at least once in a lifetime, barring poverty or physical incapacity. The month of Ramadan is set aside for fasting. Alcohol and pork are always forbidden, as are gambling, usury, fraud, slander, and the making of images. In addition to celebrating the breaking of the fast of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate Muhammad's birthday (see mawlid) and his ascension into heaven (see miraj). The Id al-Adha festival inaugurates the season of pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims are enjoined to defend Islam against unbelievers through jihad. Divisions occurred early in Islam, brought about by disputes over the succession to the caliphate (see caliph). About 90% of Muslims belong to the Sunni branch. The Shiites broke away in the 7th century and later gave rise to other sects, including the Ismailis. Another significant element in Islam is the mysticism known as Sufism. From the 19th century, the concept of the Islamic community inspired Muslim peoples to cast off Western colonial rule, and in the late 20th century fundamentalist movements (see Islamic fundamentalism) threatened or toppled a number of secular Middle Eastern governments.

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