
Macmillan, (Maurice) Harold

受封为斯多克东伯爵(Earl of Stockton)

英国首相(1957~1963)。1924~1929和1931~1964年为下院议员,而在邱吉尔组成的战时联合政府中曾担任过几项职务。战後,他先後担任了住房事务大臣(1951~1954)、国防大臣(1954)、外交大臣(1955)和财政大臣(1955~1957)。1957年出任首相,并成为保守党党魁。他对外改善与美国的外交关系,并在1959年访问赫鲁雪夫;对内支持英国战後社会政策。1961年因工资冻结、其他的通货紧缩措施,以及爆发牵扯到陆军大臣普罗富莫(J. Profumo)的苏联间谍丑闻,使他的政府开始失去民心。1963年戴高乐否决了英国加入欧洲经济共同体的提案。结果人民要求撤换一个新的政党领袖的呼声促使他在该年辞职下台。後来撰写了一系列的回忆录(1966~1975),并在他的家族出版事业麦克米伦公司担任主席(1963~1974)。


Macmillan, (Maurice) Harold

British prime minister (1957-63). He served in the House of Commons 1924-29 and 1931-64, and held posts in Winston Churchill's wartime coalition government. After the war he served as minister of housing (1951-54), minister of defense (1954), foreign secretary (1955), and chancellor of the exchequer (1955-57). In 1957 he became prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party. He worked to improve relations with the U.S. and visited Nikita Khrushchev in 1959. Domestically, Macmillan supported Britain's postwar social programs. His government began to lose popularity in 1961 because of a wage freeze and other deflationary measures and a Soviet espionage scandal involving John Profumo, secretary of state for war. In 1963 Charles de Gaulle vetoed British entry into the European Economic Community. Demands for a new party leader led to his resignation in 1963. He wrote a series of memoirs (1966-75) and served as chair (1963-74) of his family's publishing house, Macmillan & Co.

分类标签: 大臣 英国 麦克米伦