
存在於北美洲的基督教保守派别。其主要成员为老派阿曼门诺会(Old Order Amish Mennonite)的信徒。创始人是17世纪欧洲门诺会(Mennonite)长老阿曼(Jakob Ammann)。阿曼在1693~1697年提出新的学说,在瑞士、亚尔萨斯(Alsace)及德国南部的门诺会内部引起争论,造成分裂。阿曼主张门诺会信徒一经绝罚,其他们诺宗信徒一律不得与之接近。该派信徒於19、20世纪迁居北美洲,另有许多人为门诺会其他各派所吸收,因此该派逐渐在欧洲绝迹。仍保持阿曼派独特生活作风的人,主要是老派阿曼门诺会的信徒。20世纪後期美国和加拿大约有五十个老阿曼派定居点,以在俄亥俄、宾夕法尼亚、印第安纳、爱荷华、伊利诺及堪萨斯等州者较大。该派衣着朴素,生活不从时俗,男子戴阔缘黑帽,颚下留胡须但上唇不留小胡子,他们的衣着朴素且拒绝现代技术,包括汽车和电话。


Member of a conservative Christian group in North America known as the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church. The Amish originated in 1693-97 as followers of the Mennonite elder Jakob Ammann (1644?-c. 1730) in Switzerland, Alsace, and Germany. He taught that lying was grounds for excommunication (which meant being shunned by all other Mennonites), that clothing should be uniform and beards untrimmed, and that the state church should be avoided. Migration to North America and assimilation eliminated the Amish in Europe. They settled in Pennsylvania in the 18th century. After 1850 they split into “Old Order” (traditional) and “New Order” (now the Mennonite churches). Old Order Amish now live in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, and Kansas. Adults are baptized and admitted to formal church membership at age 17 to 20. Services are in Pennsylvania Dutch (a German dialect) and some English. Though similar in theology to Mennonites, Amish wear modest, old-fashioned clothing and reject modern technology, including automobiles and telephones.

分类标签: 阿曼 门诺 信徒