
Erikson, Erik H(omburger)

生於德国的美国精神分析学家。原在维也纳跟随安娜.弗洛伊德(Anna Freud)学习,1933年移民美国,在波士顿从事儿童精神分析(child psychoanalysis)并在哈佛医学院执教。1936年到耶鲁大学任教,1938年首次进行文化对心理发展影响的研究,对象包括了苏族印第安儿童和後来的尤罗克族印第安人(Yurok Indian)。他後来在加州大学柏克莱分校教书;1950年因拒绝在忠诚宣誓上签字而离开。以埃里克松的观点来看,他认为一切社会形成各自的风俗以适应人格的发展,但不同社会在遇到同样问题时,典型的解决办法则各不相同。他设想心理社会发展分八个阶段。他还研究社会心理学(social psychology)和心理学与历史、政治、文化的相互作用。他的着作有《儿童时期与社会》(Childhood and Society, 1950)、《青年路德》(Young Man Luther, 1958)、《甘地就非暴力斗争的源起所揭示的真理》(Gandhi's Truth, 1969)和《生命历史和历史的瞬间》(Life History and the Historical Moment, 1975)。


Erikson, Erik H(omburger)

German-U.S. psychoanalyst. Trained in Vienna by Anna Freud, he emigrated to the U.S. in 1933, where he practiced child psychoanalysis in Boston and joined the Harvard Medical School faculty. In 1936 he moved to Yale Univ., and in 1938 he began his first studies of cultural influences on psychological development, working with Sioux Indian children and later with the Yurok Indians. He later taught at UC-Berkeley; he left in 1950 after refusing to sign a loyalty oath. Personality development, in Erikson's view, takes place through a series of identity crises that must be overcome and internalized in preparation for the next developmental stage; he posited eight such stages. His other concerns included social psychology and the interactions of psychology with history, politics, and culture. His works include Childhood and Society (1950), Young Man Luther (1958), Gandhi's Truth (1969), and Life History and the Historical Moment (1975).

分类标签: 埃里克松 and the

