
Lully, Jean-Baptiste,原名Giovanni Battista Lulli。

法国(义大利出生)作曲家。出生於佛罗伦斯。母亲死後当了宫廷的护卫,十三岁时被送到法国的贵族家庭当贴身侍从。在那里他学会了吉他、风琴、小提琴和舞蹈,并认识了作曲家兰伯特(M. Lambert, 1610~1696)。兰伯特把他带进社交圈,後来成了他的岳父。卢利成为国王的舞者和乐手,三十岁时让他负责全部皇家音乐。1660年代,他为莫里哀的歌剧以及法国那些着名的悲剧谱写配乐。1670年代初,他作为专任的皇家音乐作曲家制作出一系列的「抒情悲剧」,大部分由基诺(1635~1688)作词,知名的包括《阿尔塞斯》(1674)、《阿蒂斯》(1676)和《阿米德》(1686)。他发展的管弦乐是现代管弦乐的重要先驱。他那笨重的指挥棒伤了自己的脚趾,最後导致死亡。死後,他的风格仍主导了法国乐坛几十年。


Lully, Jean-Baptiste

French (Italian-born) composer. Born in Florence, he was made a ward of the court after his mother died, and was sent to a noble French household at age 13 as valet. There he learned guitar, organ, violin, and dancing, and came to know the composer Michel Lambert (1610-1696), who introduced him to society and later became his father-in-law. Lully became a dancer and musician for the king and at 30 was put in charge of all royal music. In the 1660s he composed the incidental music for Molière's plays as well as those of France's great tragedians. In the early 1670s he obtained the sole patent to present opera and produced the series of “lyric tragedies,” most with librettos by Philippe Quinault (1635-1688), for which he is known, including Alceste (1674), Atys (1676), and Armide (1686). The orchestra he developed was an important forerunner of the modern orchestra. A self-inflicted injury to his toe with his heavy conducting stick led to his death. His style prevailed in France for many decades after his death.

分类标签: 法国 卢利 the