
Bell, Alexander Graham

苏格兰出生的美国听觉学家和发明家,出生於爱丁堡。1871年移居美国,教授由他父亲亚历山大.马尔维尔.贝尔(Alexander Melville Bell, 1819~1905)发明的可见读音系统。1872年在波士顿开办自己的聋人教师培训学校,并推广这种教导聋人说话的方法。1875年成为第一个用电线传输语音的人(他跟助手华生通话说:「华生,过来,我需要你。」)。次年取得电话的专利权,1877年与人合资建立贝尔电话公司(Bell Telephone Co.)。1880年法国授予贝尔伏打奖金,资助他在华盛顿特区建立伏打实验室。他的实验导致许多发明:光电话机(用光线传声)、测听计(测量听觉的敏锐性)、格拉弗风电唱机(一种早期的录音机),以及作为格拉弗风电唱机的录音介质、蜡筒及蜡盘。他还负责创建《科学》期刊、美国聋人教学语言促进协会(1890),并继续对失聪进行重要的研究。


Bell, Alexander Graham

Scottish-U.S. audiologist and inventor. Born in Edinburgh, he moved to the U.S. in 1871 to teach the visible-speech system developed by his father, Alexander Melville Bell (1819-1905). He opened his own school in Boston for training teachers of the deaf (1872), and was influential in disseminating these methods. In 1875 he became the first person to transmit intelligible words through electric wire (“Watson, come here, I want you,” spoken to his assistant Thomas Watson). He patented the telephone the next year, and in 1877 he cofounded Bell Telephone Co. With the proceeds from France's Volta Prize, he founded Volta Laboratory in Washington, D.C., in 1880. His experiments there led to the invention of the photophone (which transmitted speech by light rays), the audiometer (which measured acuteness of hearing), the Graphophone (an early practical sound recorder), and working wax recording media, both flat and cylindrical, for the Graphophone. He was chiefly responsible for founding the journal Science, founded the American Association to Promote Teaching of Speech to the Deaf (1890), and continued his significant research on deafness throughout his life.

分类标签: 贝尔 the 格拉弗