
Henry II

别名安茹的亨利(Henry of Anjou)或金雀花王室的亨利(Henry Plantagenet)。

诺曼第公爵(1150年起)、安茹伯爵(1151年起)、亚奎丹公爵(1152年起)和英格兰国王(1154年起)。玛蒂尔达的儿子,亨利一世的外孙。1152年与亚奎丹的埃莉诺结婚,获得了法国大片领土。後来入侵英格兰,英王史蒂芬以同意他为继承人来和解战争。亨利继承王位後,把领土扩张到英格兰北部和法国西部,加强王室管理,并改革宫廷制度。他企图在教会的开支上重申王权(参阅Clarendon, Constitutions of),导致与老朋友坎特伯里大主教贝克特发生严重龃龉,後来因贝克特被杀害而结束纷争,亨利後来在坎特伯里忏悔(1174)。在位期间,王室家族成员的纷争不断,尤其是他的几个儿子为了继承优先权而一再发生阋墙之争,其中包括三子理查一世(狮心王理查)和幼子约翰之间的争斗。理查最後联合法国的腓力二世在1189年把亨利赶下台。


Henry II

Duke of Normandy (from 1150), count of Anjou (from 1151), duke of Aquitaine (from 1152), and king of England (from 1154). The son of Matilda and grandson of Henry I, he gained vast territories in France by marrying Eleanor of Aquitaine (1152). He invaded England and in settlement of the war King Stephen named Henry as heir (1153). As king, Henry extended his holdings in northern England and western France, strengthened royal administration, and reformed the court system. His attempt to assert royal authority at the expense of the church (see Constitutions of Clarendon) led to a quarrel with the archbishop of Canterbury, his former close friend St. Thomas Becket, which ended with Becket's murder and Henry's subsequent penance at Canterbury (1174). His reign was plagued by disputes among family members, especially struggles for precedence among his sons, including Richard I the Lionheart and John (Lackland). Richard allied with Philip II of France to drive Henry from the throne in 1189.

分类标签: 亨利 Henry 贝克特