
黎巴嫩的东仪天主教会(参阅Eastern rite church)。创始人为活动於4世纪和5世纪的叙利亚隐士圣马龙和684年打败入侵的拜占庭军队的圣约翰.马龙。几个世纪以来马龙派教会一直被看作异教,被认为是君士坦丁堡牧首塞尔吉乌斯的追随者,而塞尔吉乌斯认为耶稣只有神的意志而没有人的意志。直至16世纪,该教会一直与罗马没有联系。伊斯兰王朝在黎巴嫩期间,马龙派信徒--「骠勇善战的山地人」一直保持着他们的自由。1860年鄂图曼帝国政府煽动德鲁士教派大肆屠杀马龙派信徒,导致马龙派在鄂图曼帝国境内建立自治。20世纪初,马龙派信徒在法国的保护下取得自治权。1943年黎巴嫩完全独立,马龙派成为该国的主要宗教团体。他们的精神领袖(教宗之下)为安条克牧首,该派保留了古代西叙利亚礼仪。

Maronite Church

Eastern-rite community centered in Lebanon (see Eastern Rite Church). It traces its origin to St. Maron, a Syrian hermit of the 4th-5th century AD, and St. John Maron, under whom the invading Byzantine forces were defeated in 684. For several centuries the Maronites were considered heretics, followers of Sergius, patriarch of Constantinople, who taught that Jesus had only a divine will and not a human will. No permanent affiliation with Rome took place until the 16th century. A hardy mountain people, the Maronites preserved their freedom in Lebanon during the Muslim caliphate. In 1860 the Ottoman government incited a massacre of the Maronites by the Druze, an event that led to the establishment of Maronite autonomy within the Ottoman empire. The Maronites obtained self-rule under French protection in the early 20th century. Since the establishment of a fully independent Lebanon in 1943, they have constituted a major religious group in the country. Their spiritual leader (after the pope) is the patriarch of Antioch, and the church retains the ancient West Syrian liturgy.

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