
15世纪波希米亚宗教改革者组织成员,胡斯的追随者。1415年胡斯死後,胡斯派与罗马断绝关系。除了主张圣餐是同时领受饼与酒之外,胡斯派还提倡传道自由、教士清贫、对恶行招彰的罪人处以世俗刑罚(civil punishment)以及徵收教会资产。许多胡斯派成员是贵族与骑士(knight),1431年教宗发起十字军予以征讨,但失败。1433年和平协商期间,胡斯派分裂为两支,温和的圣杯派(Utraquist)与激进的塔波尔派(Taborite)。1434年的利帕尼(Lipany)之役中,圣杯派加入天主教徒一方联手击败塔波尔派。1467年另一个胡斯派系弟兄会(Unitas Fratrum)建立独立组织,一直存活到反宗教改革运动。1722年一群胡斯派逃往摩拉维亚,定居在亲岑多夫伯爵(Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, 1700~1760)位於萨克森的土地,建立黑恩胡特(Herrnhut)社区,并创设摩拉维亚教会(Moravian church)。


Member of a group of 15th-century Bohemian religious reformers, followers of Jan Hus. After Hus's death in 1415, the Hussites broke with Rome. In addition to giving communion in both bread and wine, they supported freedom of preaching, poverty of the clergy, civil punishment of notorious sinners, and expropriation of church property. Many were nobles and knights, and a papal crusade against them failed in 1431. During peace negotiations in 1433 the Hussites split into two factions, the moderate Utraquists and the radical Taborites. The Utraquists joined the Catholics and defeated the Taborites at the battle of Lipany in 1434; they survived schisms until 1620, when they were absorbed by the Catholics. Another segment of Hussites, Unitas Fratrum, set up an independent organization in 1467 and lasted until the Counter-Reformation. In 1722 a group of Hussites fled Moravia and settled on the estate of Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) in Saxony, establishing the community of Herrnhut and founding the Moravian church.

分类标签: 胡斯 the 圣杯派