


In medieval and early modern times, a Roman Catholic judicial insititution established to combat heresy and witchcraft. It was instituted by Gregory IX in 1231 in response to the spread of heresies such as those of the Cathari and Waldenses. Suspected heretics were arrested, interrogated by inquisitors, and tried; the use of torture to obtain confessions was authorized by Innocent IV in 1252. Penalties ranged from prayer and fasting to imprisonment; convicted heretics who refused to recant could be executed by secular authorities. The papal Inquisition of the Middle Ages functioned most widely in northern Italy and southern France. The Spanish Inquisition was authorized by Sixtus IV in 1478; the pope later tried to limit its powers, but it was successfully defended by the Spanish crown. The auto-da-fé, the public ceremony at which sentences were pronounced, became an elaborate celebration, and the grand inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada was responsible for burning about 2,000 heretics at the stake. The Spanish Inquisition was also introduced in colonies such as Mexico and Peru as well as in Sicily (1517) and the Netherlands (1522), and it was not entirely suppressed in Spain until the early 19th century.

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