
正式名称为模里西斯共和国(Republic of Mauritius)

印度洋马达加斯加岛以东岛国。位於马斯克林(Mascarene)群岛中央,南北长61公里,东西宽47公里。外围属岛有东边的罗德里格斯(Rodrigues)岛、东北的卡加多斯卡拉若斯沙洲(Cargados Carajos Shoals),以及北边的阿加莱加(Agalega)群岛。面积2,040平方公里。人口约1,195,000(2001)。首都︰路易港。全国约3/5的人口为克里奥尔人(Creole)或法国人後裔,2/5为印度人。语言︰英语(官方语)、克里奥尔语(通用语),及各部族语种。宗教:印度教(占一半人口)、奉督教(1/3人口)、伊斯兰教。货币︰卢比(Re)。原为火山岛,四周几乎全被珊瑚礁所环绕,最高点小黑河峰(Petite Riviere-Noire Peak)海拔826公尺,瓦科阿湖(Lake Vacoas)为主要水源。可耕地约占全国土地面积的一半;虽然政府奖励农业多样经营,仍以甘蔗为主要作物;粮食大量仰赖进口,以稻米为主。人口密度为世界最高的国家之一。



Island country, lying east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. The central independent island state of the Mascarene group, it extends 38 mi (61 km) north-south and 29 mi (47 km) east-west. Its outlying territories are Rodrigues Island to the east, the Cargados Carajos Shoals to the northeast, and the Agalega Islands to the north. Area: 788 sq mi (2,040 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 1,140,000. Capital: Port Louis. About three-fifths of the population are either Creole or of French descent, and two-fifths are Indian. Languages: English (official), Creole (lingua franca), various ethnic languages. Religions: Hinduism (one-half the population), Christianity (one-third), Islam. Currency: rupee. Volcanic in origin and almost surrounded by coastal reefs, Mauritius rises to 2,711 ft (826 m) at the Petite Rivière-Noire Peak; its chief water source is Lake Vacoas. About half of its land is arable, and sugarcane is the major crop, though the government has sponsored agricultural diversification. The country is heavily dependent on food imports, mainly rice. The nation's population density is one of the highest in the world. The island was visited, but not settled, by the Portuguese in the early 16th century. The Dutch took possession 1598-1710, called it Mauritius after the governor Maurice of Nassau, and attempted to settle it (1638-58, 1664-1710) before abandoning it to pirates. The French East India Co. occupied it, renamed it ?le de France in 1721, and governed it until the French ministry of marine took over its administration in 1767. Sugar planting was the main industry, and the colony prospered. The British captured the island in 1810 and were granted formal control of it under the Treaty of Paris in 1814; the name Mauritius was reinstated, and slavery was abolished. In the late 19th century competition from beet sugar caused an economic decline, compounded by the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. After World War II, Mauritius adopted political and economic reforms, and in 1968 it became an independent state within the Commonwealth. In 1992 it became a republic. It experienced political unrest during the 1990s.

分类标签: the 西斯 模里