
一种运动以及运输方式,采用将一对平滑的长滑板附着在鞋子或靴子底部在雪面上滑动来进行。滑雪最初发生於斯堪的那维亚地区,在瑞典和芬兰的沼泽地发现的最古老的滑雪板有4,000~5,000年的历史。早年的滑雪板往往短而宽。西元7世纪时滑雪板已经流传到了中国北方。从13世纪直到20世纪初,滑雪还在斯堪的那维亚地区被用於战争。一直到今天,滑雪还被继续用来运输和行进。最早出现的滑雪运动是越野滑雪。1840年代挪威已经开始了越野滑雪竞赛,1860年代此项运动传入美国加州。大约在1860年前後滑雪运动设施的改善使更多的滑雪娱乐项目相继出现。跳台滑雪最早出现在1870年代。高山滑雪最初受到下落後需要攀爬山峰的限制(在缺少山间索道或者空中缆车的情况下);但1930年代专用於滑雪的提升设备开始修建。滑雪板最初是用单片的木料制作的,常见的有山核桃木。1930年代出现了层压板的,1950年代还增加了塑胶的滑行面。最近几十年木质滑雪板已经不再用於高山滑雪。滑雪运动从1930年代起越益商业化,1950年代和1960年代更是有了极快的成长。在奥地利、瑞士、义大利的阿尔卑斯山、美国的落矶山以及其他高山地区,分布着大量的滑雪运动场。亦请参阅Alpine skiing。


Sport and mode of transportation involving moving over snow on a pair of long flat runners (skis) attached to shoes or boots. Skiing was born in Scandinavia; the oldest skis, found in Swedish and Finnish bogs, are 4,000-5,000 years old. The earliest skis were often short and broad. Skiing had reached northern China by the 7th century AD. Skiing was used in warfare in Scandinavia from the 13th century or earlier to the 20th century. Skis have continued to be used for transport and travel to the present day. The earliest mode of skiing developed into the sport now called cross-country skiing. Competitive cross-country skiing began in Norway in the 1840s and had reached California by the 1860s. Improvements on primitive bindings c. 1860 led to far wider recreational skiing. Ski-jumping competitions date from the 1870s. Downhill skiing was limited (in the absence of mountain railways or cable cars) by the need to climb the hill after skiing down; the building of ski lifts began in the 1930s. Skis were originally made of a single piece of wood, usually hickory; laminated construction began in the 1930s, plastic running surfaces were introduced in the 1950s, and no wood has been used in the construction of downhill skis for many decades. The business of skiing began its serious growth in the 1930s, which became explosive in the 1950s and '60s; huge resorts now dot the Austrian, Swiss, and Italian Alps, the Rocky Mtns., and other mountainous regions. See also Alpine skiing.

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