
Stanislavsky, Konstantin (Sergeyevich),原名阿列克谢耶夫(Konstantin Sergeyevich Alekseyev)。

俄国导演及演员。十四岁即加入家庭组织的业余剧团参加表演,1888年与他人一起成立文艺协会,附设一个永久性的业余剧团。1891年演出第一部独立制作的《启蒙之果》,为他带来了声誉。1898年与涅米罗维奇-丹钦科(V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, 1858~1943)一起成立莫斯科艺术剧院,因从新上演契诃夫的《海鸥》而受到欢迎。此後他继续成功地导演和上演一系列俄罗斯戏剧,包括契诃夫的《凡尼亚舅舅》(1899)及《樱桃园》(1904)。他训练演员们从内心深处认同所饰演的角色,这种技巧後来称为史坦尼斯拉夫斯基表演法。1922~1924年艺术剧院到欧洲和美国巡演,而他的表演法也藉由他的着作《我的艺术生活》(1924)和《演员自我修养》(1926)对後来的同仁剧团以及演员工作室产生重大影响。


Stanislavsky, Konstantin (Sergeyevich)

Russian director and actor. From age 14 he acted with his family's amateur dramatic group, and in 1888 he cofounded the Society of Art and Literature, with its permanent dramatic company. He won praise in 1891 for his first independent production, The Fruits of Enlightenment. In 1898 he and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko (1858-1943) founded the Moscow Art Theatre; it restaged Anton Chekhov's The Seagull to great acclaim, and he continued to direct and act in many Russian plays, including Chekhov's Uncle Vanya (1899) and The Cherry Orchard (1904). He began training his actors to identify deeply with their characters, a technique that became known as the Stanislavsky method. His company toured Europe and the U.S. (1922-24), where his method, described in his My Life in Art (1924) and An Actor Prepares (1926), influenced the later development of the Group Theatre and the Actors Studio.

分类标签: 拉夫斯基 契诃夫 and