
日本的传统戏剧形式。为世界上现存最古老的戏剧形式之一,能乐有史诗般的主题、合唱队、高度格式化的动作、戏装和布景。参与演出的讲故事人皆为男性,透过面部表情和形体动作来暗示故事的本质,而不是把它表现出来。能乐(no,日语「才能」或「技巧」之意)是由古老的舞蹈戏剧形式发展而来,在14世纪演变成其特有的形式。能乐的五种形式有︰能(kami,日语「神」之意)叙述神道教神社的神圣故事;修罗能(shura mono,日语「打斗戏剧」之意)是以武士为中心的故事;假发能(katsura mono,日语「假发戏」之意)则有女性角色;现在能(gendai mono或kyojo mono,日语「今日戏」或「疯女戏」之意)则有各式各样的内容;尾能(kiri或kichiku,日语「最後」或「恶魔」之意)以恶魔和陌生的怪兽为特色。观阿弥(1333~1384)和其子世阿弥(1363~1443)创作了许多最优美的能乐剧本,超过两百个仍保留成为现代能乐剧目。

No drama

Classic Japanese theatrical form. One of the world's oldest extant theatrical forms, No drama has a heroic theme, a chorus, and highly stylized action, costuming, and scenery. Its all-male performers are storytellers who use their visual appearances and movements to suggest their tale rather than enact it. No (meaning “talent” or “skill”) developed from ancient forms of dance-drama and became a distinctive form in the 14th century. The five types of No plays are the kami (“god”) play, which involves a sacred story of a Shinto shrine; the shura mono (“fighting play”), which centers on warriors; the katsura mono (“wig play”), which has a female protagonist; the gendai mono (“present-day play”) or kyojo mono (“madwoman play”), which is varied in content; and the kiri or kichiku (“final” or “demon”) play, which features devils and strange beasts. Kanami (1333-1384) and his son Zeami (1363-1443) wrote many of the most beautiful No texts; over 200 remain in the modern No repertoire.

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