
正式名称叙利亚阿拉伯共和国(Syrian Arab Republic)




Country, South Asia, eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Area: 71,498 sq mi (185,180 sq km). Population (2000 est.): 16,306,000. Capital: Damascus. Arabs are the main ethnic group, with Kurds the largest minority. Languages: Arabic (official), French, Kurdish, Armenian, English. Religions: Islam (Sunni, Alawi, Druze), Christianity (minority). Currency: Syrian pound. Syria consists of a coastal zone, with abundant water supplies; a mountain zone that includes the Anti-Lebanon Mountains; and a portion of the Syrian Desert. The Euphrates River is its most important water source and only navigable river. It has a mixed economy based on agriculture, trade, and mining and manufacturing. Crops include cotton, cereals, fruits, tobacco, and livestock. Mineral resources include petroleum, natural gas, and iron ore; manufactures include textiles, cement, and shoes. It is a republic with one legislative house; its head of state and of government is the president, who by law must be a Muslim. The legal system is based largely on Islamic law. Syria has been inhabited for several thousand years. From the 3rd millennium BC, it has been under the control variously of Sumerians, Akkadians, Amorites, Egyptians, Hittites, Assyrians, and Babylonians. In the 6th century BC it became part of the Persian Achaemenian dynasty, which fell to Alexander the Great in 330 BC. Seleucid rulers governed it 301-c. 164 BC; then Parthians and Nabataean Arabs divided the region. It flourished as a Roman province (64 BC-AD 300) and as part of the Byzantine empire (300-634), until Muslims invaded and established control. It came under the Ottoman empire in 1516, which held it, except for brief rules by Egypt, until the British invaded in World War I. After the war it became a French mandate; it achieved independence in 1944. It united with Egypt in the United Arab Republic (1958-61). During the Six-Day War (1967), it lost the Golan Heights to Israel. Syrian troops frequently clashed with Israeli troops in Lebanon during the 1980s and '90s. Hafiz al-Assad's long and harsh regime was marked also by antagonism toward Syria's neighbors Turkey and Iraq.

分类标签: 叙利亚 the 西元前