
印度中北部联邦区,人口约10,865,000(1994)。邻北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)和哈里亚纳(Haryana),包括德里(通常称旧德里〔Old Dehli〕)、新德里(New Dehli,印度首都)和邻近的农业区。从西元1206年起为穆斯林王朝的首都,1398年被帖木儿(Timur)弃置。第一个蒙兀儿(Mughal)王朝统治者巴伯尔(Babur)於1526年征服了德里,虽然蒙兀儿王朝首都大部分在阿格拉,但德里在沙.贾汗(Shah Jahan)的整治下,於1638年开始变得美仑美奂。1803年受英国统治,1857年成为印度叛变的中心。1912年德里取代加尔各答(Calcutta,现称Kolkata)成为英属印度的首都,同时开始建造部分城区为新德里。1931年首都迁往新德里,1947年成为独立後印度的首都。该区的经济和人口多集中在旧德里,而政府机关集中在新德里。政府是最大的雇主。联邦区也是印度中北部运输网的中心。


Union territory (pop., 1994 est.: 10,865,000), northern central India. Bounded by the states of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, it comprises the cities of Delhi (popularly known as Old Delhi) and New Delhi (India's capital) and adjacent rural areas. Delhi was the capital of a Muslim dynasty from 1206 until it was laid waste by Timur in 1398. It was conquered by the Mughal Babur in 1526. Although the Mughal capital was mostly at Agra, Delhi was beautified by Shah Jahan, beginning in 1638. Pillaged by Nadir Shah in 1739, it surrendered to Marathas in 1771. Taken by the British in 1803, it was a center of the Indian Mutiny in 1857. Delhi replaced Calcutta (now Kolkata) as the capital of British India in 1912, at which time construction began on the section of the city that became New Delhi. The capital was moved to New Delhi in 1931, and it became the capital of independent India in 1947. The area's economy and population center mainly in Old Delhi, while government is concentrated in New Delhi. The government is the chief employer. The territory is also the transportation hub for northern central India.

分类标签: 德里 新德里 Delhi