

从西元前12世纪开始,腓尼基人在北非海岸就有一系列的贸易站。到了西元前6世纪,迦太基王国包含了如今突尼西亚的大部分地区。西元前146年罗马人开始统治,直到西元7世纪中叶穆斯林阿拉伯人入侵为止。该地区经过多次的战斗,有胜有负,包括阿拔斯王朝、阿尔摩哈德王朝、西班牙以及鄂图曼土耳其人。1574年起鄂图曼土耳其人占领了突尼西亚,直至19世纪晚期为止。当法国、英国和义大利在竞争统治权时,它保持了一段时间的自治。1881年它成为法国的保护国。第二次世界大战中,1943年美国和英国的军队夺取了它,结束了德国的短暂占领。1956年法国给予完全的独立;布尔吉巴(H. Bourguiba)执政至1987年。


Nation, North Africa. Area: 59,664 sq mi (154,530 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 9,218,000. Capital: Tunis. The population is of Arab and Berber ancestry. Languages: Arabic (official), French. Religion: Islam (official). Currency: Tunisian dinar. Tunisia comprises a coastal region, mountains, an extensive plateau, a marshy area with shallow salt lakes, and a tract of the Sahara desert. The Medjerda is its largest (286 mi, or 460 km long) and only perennial river. Tunisia contains some of the largest phosphate and natural gas reserves in Africa, as well as substantial oil reserves. Major economic sectors are services, agriculture, light industries, and the production and export of petroleum and phosphates. Tourism, focusing on Tunisia's beaches and Roman ruins, is also important. Tunisia is a republic with one legislative house; its chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the prime minister. From the 12th century BC the Phoenicians had a series of trading posts on the North African coast. By the 6th century BC the Carthaginian kingdom encompassed most of present-day Tunisia. The Romans ruled from 146 BC until the Muslim Arab invasions in the mid-7th century AD. The area was fought over, won, and lost by many, including the Abbasids, the Almohads, Spain, and the Ottoman Turks, who finally conquered it in 1574 and held it until the late 19th century. For a time it maintained autonomy as the French, British, and Italians contended for the region. In 1881 it became a French protectorate. In World War II U.S. and British forces captured it in 1943 to end a brief German occupation. In 1956 France granted it full independence; Habib Bourguiba assumed power and remained in office until 1987.

分类标签: 突尼西亚 the and

