
Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge)

英国小说家、新闻工作者、社会学家和史学家。曾是着名生物学家赫胥黎(T. H. Huxley)的学生。他的作品文体生动、幽默,颇为成功,并开创了新的科幻小说领域。《时间机器》(1895)使他一举成名,随後又发表一系列科幻小说,包括最着名的《星际战争》(1898)。威尔斯第二个时期的作品从预言未来转向改造现实。这时期的着名作品中有《托诺-邦盖》(1909)和《波里先生的历史》(1910)。第一次世界大战後他看到各国政治家未能实现正义的和平,曾寄希望於国际联盟,并企图用作品唤起人们重视世界秩序不稳定的危险,如《世界史纲》(1920)。他晚期的作品表现出一种悲观的世界观,他给英国小说带来新的活力,也使人们认识到20世纪技术世界的危险与希望。


Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge)

English novelist, journalist, sociologist, and historian. While studying science under T.H. Huxley in London, Wells formulated a romantic conception of the subject that would inspire the inventive and influential science-fiction and fantasy novels for which he is best known, including the epochal The Time Machine (1895), The Invisible Man (1897), and The War of the Worlds (1898). He simultaneously took on a public role as an agitator for progressive causes, including the League of Nations. He later abandoned science fiction and drew on memories of his lower-middle-class early life in works including the novel Tono-Bungay (1908) and the comic The History of Mr. Polly (1910). World War I shook his faith in human progress, prompting him to promote popular education through nonfiction works including The Outline of History (1920). The Shape of Things to Come (1933) was an antifascist warning. Though a sense of humor reappears in Experiment in Autobiography (1934), most of his late works reveal a pessimistic, even bitter outlook.

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