
Porter, Cole (Albert)

美国作曲、作词家。出身富裕家庭,孩提时学过小提琴和钢琴,并在十岁时创作了一部轻歌剧。在耶鲁大学期间曾作了约三百首歌,包括〈硬汉〉(Bulldog)。後来在哈佛学习法律和音乐。1916年在百老汇因《先看美国》(See America First)一举成名。之後,他来到法国,成为了一个到处游荡的花花公子。虽然他公开承认是同性恋,但他仍同一个富裕的离婚女子结婚。他为百老汇写的歌曲《巴黎》(Paris, 1928)取得了成功,其後的作品包括《快活的离婚者》(Gay Divorcée, 1932)、《什麽都行》(Anything Goes, 1934)、《红的、热的、蓝的》(Red, Hot and Blue, 1934)、优秀的《吻我,凯蒂》(Kiss Me, Kate, 1948)、《康康舞》(Can-Can, 1953)和《长丝袜》(Silk Stockings, 1955)。他同时还创作了一些电影歌曲,包括《高等社会》(High Society, 1956)。波特个人创作歌词并谱曲的充满智慧的复杂歌曲还包括〈夜与日〉(Night and Day)、〈我从你那里得到乐趣〉(I Get a Kick Out of You)、〈跳起比金舞〉(Begin the Beguine)、〈我爱巴黎〉(I Love Paris)和〈你乃至上〉(You're the Top)等。1937年一场骑马事故导致他半残,他在动过三十次手术後不得不截去一腿。


Porter, Cole (Albert)

U.S. composer and lyricist. Born to an affluent family in Peru, Ind., Porter studied violin and piano as a child and composed an operetta at 10. At Yale University he composed about 300 songs, including “Bulldog.” He studied law and later music at Harvard. He made his Broadway debut with See America First (1916). He later went to France and became an itinerant playboy; though rather openly homosexual, he married a wealthy divorcée. Songs written for the Broadway success Paris (1928) led to a series of hit musicals, incl. Gay Divorcée (1932), Anything Goes (1934), Red, Hot and Blue (1934), the superb Kiss Me, Kate (1948), Can-Can (1953), and Silk Stockings (1955). He also worked on a number of films, including High Society (1956). Porter's witty, sophisticated songs, for which he wrote both words and music, include “Night and Day,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,” “Begin the Beguine,” “I Love Paris,” and “You're the Top.” A riding accident in 1937 left him a semi-invalid; he underwent 30 operations and eventually the amputation of a leg.

分类标签: and 百老汇 波特