
欧洲历史上着名的王朝,为布兰登堡-普鲁士(1415~1918)以及德意志帝国(1871~1918)主要的统治家族。第一位有记载的祖先是布林夏德一世(Burchard I),11世纪时为索伦伯爵。後来形成两个主要分支:一支是法兰克尼亚系(包括纽伦堡世袭城主、布兰登堡选侯、普鲁士国王和德意志皇帝);另一支为士瓦本系(包括索伦伯爵、霍亨索伦-西格马林根邦君、罗马尼亚邦君及後来的国王)。法兰克尼亚一支在宗教改革中成为路德派,1613年又改奉喀尔文派,并在15~17世纪提出领土要求。第一次世界大战末,普鲁士和德意志都丧失了主权。士瓦本系在宗教改革中保持信奉天主教,并统治罗马尼亚直到1947年。历代君主有普鲁士的腓特烈.威廉一世、腓特烈二世、腓特烈.威廉二世和腓特烈.威廉三世;德意志的威廉一世、腓特烈二世;罗马尼亚的卡罗尔一世和卡罗尔二世。

Hohenzollern dynasty

Dynasty prominent in European history, chiefly as the ruling house of Brandenburg-Prussia (1415-1918) and of imperial Germany (1871-1918). The first recorded ancestor, Burchard I, was count of Zollern in the 11th century. Two main branches were formed: the Franconian line (including burgraves of Nuremberg, electors of Brandenburg, kings of Prussia, and German emperors) and the Swabian line (including counts of Zollern, princes of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, and princes and then kings of Romania). The Franconian branch became Lutheran at the Reformation but turned to Calvinism in 1613 and acquired considerable territory in the 15th-17th century. Both Prussian and German sovereignties were lost at the end of World War I. The Swabian line remained Catholic at the Reformation and ruled in Romania until 1947. The Hohenzollern monarchs included Frederick William I, Frederick II the Great, Frederick William II, and Frederick William III of Prussia; William I, Frederick II, and William II of Germany; and Carol I and Carol II of Romania.

分类标签: 索伦 普鲁士 腓特烈