
美国早期的全国性政党,提倡建立强大的中央政府,曾在1789~1801年间掌权。联邦党人一名始用於1787年,系指新宪法的拥护者。《联邦党人报告书》(1787~1788)是一系列八十五篇论文,由汉弥尔顿、麦迪逊和杰伊为说服纽约州选民支持批准新宪法而作。到1790年代,联邦党人制定了以下政策︰汉弥尔顿的财政计画,创立一个中央银行,维持关税制度,鼓励美国海运,在外交事务中保持中立,与英国修好。1796年拥护亚当斯竞选总统获胜,但在1801年以後就不能有效组织。由於反对「禁运法」和1812年战争而丧失选民的支持,加上新英格兰联邦党人引起的内部派系纷争削弱了党的势力。1820年代它的死对头共和党人反而采纳了它的一些原始政纲,联邦党逐渐消失。最着名的联邦党人有马歇尔(John Marshall)、金恩(Rufus King)、皮克令(Timothy Pickering)和平克尼(Charles Pinckney)。

Federalist Party

Early U.S. political party that advocated a strong central government. “Federalist” was first used in 1787 to describe supporters of the U.S. Constitution, with its emphasis on a federal union; the Federalist Papers was a series of 85 papers (1787-88) published by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to persuade New York voters to ratify the Constitution. By the 1790s other policies defined the party, including Hamilton's fiscal program, creation of a central bank, a tariff system, favorable treatment for U.S. shipping, friendship with Britain, and neutrality in foreign affairs. It elected John Adams as president in 1796 but was unable to organize effectively after 1801. It lost favor for its opposition to the Embargo Act and the War of 1812; an internal split by the New England faction (see Hartford Convention) further weakened the party. By the 1820s most of its original principles had been adopted by the opposition Democratic Party, and the Federalist Party disappeared. Notable Federalists included John Marshall, Rufus King, Timothy Pickering, and Charles Pinckney.

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