
古代希腊和罗马艺术为基础的历史传统或美学观点。古典主义用於说明历史传统时,指古代艺术,或受古代影响的後期艺术;新古典主义则仅指受古代影响的後期艺术,所以包含在广义的古典主义里。古典主义的特点是和谐、明晰、严谨、普遍性和理想主义。在视觉艺术中,古典主义一般表示偏爱线条过於颜色,偏爱直线过於曲线,以及偏向一般性而非特殊性。义大利文艺复兴是继古代之後第一个彻底的古典主义时期。18世纪末到19世纪初新古典主义成为欧洲美学运动的主流,卡诺瓦和大卫(J.-L. David)为其中代表。结果产生了一种反动的观点,偏好主观情感、渴望崇高理想和追求一种奇异风格,也就是所谓的浪漫主义。古典主义和非古典主义理想经常一再轮流浮现,构成西方美学运动的特色。参阅Classical architecture。

Classicism and Neoclassicism

Art-historical tradition or aesthetic attitudes based on the art of ancient Greece and Rome. “Classicism” refers to the art produced in antiquity or to later art inspired by that of antiquity; “Neoclassicism” refers to art inspired by that of antiquity, and thus is contained within the broader meaning of “Classicism.” Classicism is traditionally characterized by harmony, clarity, restraint, universality, and idealism. In the visual arts, Classicism has generally denoted a preference for line over color, straight lines over curves, and the general over the particular. The Italian Renaissance was the first period of thorough Classicism after antiquity. Neoclassicism became the dominant aesthetic movement in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th century, as practiced by Antonio Canova and J.-L. David. It bred a reaction in favor of subjective feeling, longing for the sublime, and a taste for the bizarre that came to be termed Romanticism. Recurring alternations between Classical and non-Classical ideals have often been seen to characterize Western aesthetics. See also Classical architecture.

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