

black hole

Cosmic body with gravity (see gravitation) so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape. It is suspected to form in the death and collapse of a star that began with more than 10 times the sun's mass. Stars with less mass evolve into white dwarf stars or neutron stars. Details of a black hole's structure are calculated from Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity: a “singularity” of zero volume and infinite density pulls in all matter and energy that comes within an event horizon, defined by the Schwarzschild radius, around it. Black holes are hard to observe because they are small and emit no light. However, their enormous gravitational fields affect nearby matter, which is drawn in and emits X rays as it collides at high speed outside the event horizon. Some black holes may have nonstellar origins. Astronomers speculate that supermassive black holes at the centers of quasars and many galaxies are the source of energetic activity that is observed. Stephen W. Hawking has theorized the creation of numerous tiny black holes, possibly no more massive than an asteroid, during the big bang. These primordial “mini-black holes” lose mass over time and disappear as a result of Hawking radiation. Technically, black holes are still theoretical, but phenomena have been observed that match their predicted behavior.

分类标签: 黑洞 星体 black