
雅典卫城上供奉希腊雅典娜女神的主神庙。建於西元前447~西元前432年,在雅典政治家伯里克利(Pericles)的主持下,由建筑师伊克蒂诺(Ictinus)与卡利克拉特(Callicrates)承建,公认多立斯柱式的颠峰时期代表。白色大理石神庙虽历代遭受破坏,大部分雕刻已损失,但基本结构尚存。由带凹槽的柱身和方形柱顶石、形柱头而无柱础的柱子组成的柱廊立在三层的基座上,其上所支承的檐部包括朴素条石额枋;檐壁上带竖槽的石板和带浮雕的平石板相间;东西两端各有扁的三角形山形墙,其中也有浮雕。柱廊东西面各有柱八根,南北面各十七根,围绕着带墙的长方形内殿。内殿原本有一尊菲迪亚斯雕刻的黄金象牙雕像。神庙在建筑上运用了许多细腻的手法,使之在造型上产生如雕塑似的形象。例如东西端的基座线微向上弯,同时檐部也相应翘曲;柱身的直径向上收分时作难以觉察的微凸曲线;四根角柱加粗,以纠正从某个角度以天空为背景时看来较细的错觉。神庙的装饰雕刻,其精细和谐可与建筑本身媲美。东西端山形墙中的雕刻是圆雕,东面表现雅典娜的诞生,西面表现她和海神波塞顿争夺雅典统治权的斗争。亦请参阅Elgin Marbles。


Chief temple of Athena on the Acropolis at Athens. Built 447-432 BC by Ictinus and Callicrates under Pericles, it is considered the culmination of the Doric order. Though the white marble temple has suffered damage over the centuries, including the loss of most of its sculpture, its basic structure remains intact. The colonnade supports an entablature consisting of a plain architrave, a frieze of alternating triglyphs (grooved blocks) and metopes (plain blocks with relief sculpture) and, at the two ends, a triangular pediment. The colonnade consists of eight columns on the ends and 17 on the sides, enclosing a cella; the interior originally held a great gold-and-ivory statue by Phidias. Such architectural devices as entasis of the columns and an upward curvature of the base are used to correct optical illusions. Its sculpture rivaled its architecture. The pediment sculptures represent the birth of Athena and her battle with Poseidon; a continuous frieze shows the annual Panathenaic procession of citizens honoring Athena. The entire work is a marvel of harmony and clarity. See also Elgin Marbles.

分类标签: the 神庙 山形