
日本在1960年代的建筑运动,结合了高科技的想像、新朴野主义以及对於巨型大厦(近乎自结自足的多功结复合构造)的兴趣。丹下(Tange)以他在1959年的波士顿港口计画设计(Boston Harbor Project design)发起这项运动,在这个设计中,它包含两个巨大的金字顶式建筑物,上头悬挂着作为住家与其他建物的「棚架」(shelving)。在矶崎新和丹下健三(Kenzo Tange)、菊竹清训(Kiyonori Kikutake, 1928~)和黑川纪章(Kisho Kurokawa, 1934~)的带领下,代谢派专注在结构松散、功能多元的工程上,这些建筑带有破碎的空中轮廓线、粗糙的表面以及动态的科幻特质。代谢主义者在1960年的世界设计大会(World Design Conference)上所发表的宣言,为它在後来的、诸如索勒里(Paolo Soleri)的艾柯森地(Arcosanti)的计画上开拓先路。在地表的城市之上使用人工土地平台这样的器械,是出於节约使用土地的欲望,这种做法革命性地颠覆了建筑界的思考。

Metabolist school

Japanese architectural movement of the 1960s that combined high-tech imagery, Brutalism, and an interest in megastructures (multifunctional complexes that verge on self-containment). Tange launched the movement with his Boston Harbor Project design (1959), which included two gigantic A-frames hung with "shelving" for homes and other buildings. Led by Arata Isozaki, Kenzo Tange, Kiyonori Kikutake (born 1928), and Kisho Kurokawa (born 1934), the Metabolists focused on loosely composed, multifunctional projects with broken skylines, rough surfaces, and a dynamic science-fiction quality. The Metabolist manifestos put out at the World Design Conference in 1960 paved the way for such later projects as Paolo Soleri's Arcosanti. The use of such devices as artificial land platforms above cities on the ground, which grew out of a desire for economy of land use, revolutionized architectural thinking.

分类标签: 代谢 Metabolist the