
通常每天、每周,或着在其他规律的时间发行,提供新闻、观点、特别报导和其涉及公共利益的资讯的出版物,通常刊登广告。现代报纸的前身早在古代的罗马(参阅Acta)就已经出现。以活字印刷、相当程度固定出刊的报纸则於17世纪早期,在日耳曼、义大利和尼德兰(Netherlands)出现。第一份英语曰报是从1702年发行至1735年的《每日新闻》(The Daily Courant)。虽然已有官方报纸在前,但富兰克林(James Franklin)的《新英格兰新闻》(New-England Courant, 1721)是英国殖民地第一分独立的报纸。至晚於1800年之前,出版自由的原则也是严肃性与大众性的报纸双方的基本公式,已在大部分的欧洲和美国生根。在19世纪,美国报纸的数量以及他们的发行量急遽昇高,这要归因於扩大的识字率、扩充的吸引力、低廉的价位,以及在排字、印刷、通讯和运输等科技上的进步。至迟於20世纪晚期,报纸已经取得极庞大的力量。为竞争读者,经常导致哗众取宠;而在20世纪,还兴起了所谓的小报(参阅yellow journalism)。自1900年起,全世界的报纸出版大幅扩张;在幅员大的国家,报业经历生产链的强化,小型报社被吸纳入大型报社之中。


Publication usually issued daily, weekly, or at other regular times that provides news, views, features, and other information of public interest and often carries advertising. Forerunners of the modern newspaper appeared as early as ancient Rome (see Acta). More or less regular papers printed from movable type appeared in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands in the early 17th century. The first English daily was The Daily Courant (1702-35). Though preceded by official papers, James Franklin's New-England Courant (1721) was the first independent newspaper in the English colonies. By 1800 the principles of a free press and a basic formula for both serious and popular papers were taking root in much of Europe and the U.S. In the 19th century the number of U.S. papers and their circulations rose dramatically, owing to wider literacy, broadening appeal, lower prices, and technological advances in typesetting, printing, communications, and transport. By late in the century, newspapers had achieved great power. Competition for readers often led to sensationalism and, in the 20th century, gave rise to the so-called tabloids (see yellow journalism). Since 1900 newspaper publishing worldwide has expanded greatly; in large countries, it has experienced consolidation into chains and the absorption of smaller papers into larger ones.

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