
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

受封为莱布尼兹男爵(Freiherr (baron) von Leibniz)



Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

German philosopher and mathematician. Born in Leipzig, the son of a professor, he obtained a doctorate in law at 20. In De arte combinatoria (1666) he set forth the fundamental concepts of the computer. In 1667 he began working for the elector of Mainz, in which position he codified the laws of Mainz, among other important tasks. He served the dukes of Braunschweig-Lüneburg as librarian and privy concilor (1676-1716). He invented the differential and integral calculus simultaneously with Isaac Newton; though principal credit for the invention has long been disputed, Leibniz's work was published three years earlier (1684) and his notation was universally adopted. He also made important contributions to optics and mechanics. In 1700 he helped found the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin and became its first president. His Theodicy (1710) expressed an optimistic faith in reason and became an important text of the Enlightenment. He worked energetically to reconcile the Protestant churches in several countries. He conceived a vast history of the world but never completed it. He was one of the most original philosophers of the early modern period; his chief philosophical contributions were in the fields of logic and metaphysics, in which he provided an alternative to the rationalism of Benedict de Spinoza and Rene Descartes. In metaphysics he espoused pluralism (as opposed to Descartes's dualism and Spinoza's monism). His universal mind and astonishing achievements make him one of the most extraordinary figures of Western civilization.

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