
最大的类人猿。为粗壮有力、原产於非洲赤道地区的林栖动物,属猩猩科,仅大猩猩(Gorilla gorilla)一个种。皮肤和被毛黑色,鼻孔大,眉脊突出。成体臂部长而有力,腿短而粗壮,胸部极厚且强壮,腹部突出。雄性成体头顶有一突出的骨冠,在下背部有一「片」灰色或银白色毛(故称「银背」);重135~275公斤,约比雌体重一倍,身高可达1.7公尺。主要在地面活动,通常四肢着地行走。在稳定的家庭小组中生活,该小组由6~20头大猩猩组成,由1~2头银背雄体带领。以植物的叶、柄和幼茎等为食。大猩猩常被描述成凶猛的动物,但研究表明,它并不爱寻衅,甚至胆怯,除非受到过分的骚扰。与黑猩猩相比,大猩猩更镇静且固执;适应能力虽不及黑猩猩,但具有很高的智能和解决问题的能力。因为人类破坏其森林生境及将其作为大猎物而猎杀,大猩猩在分布范围内变得越来越稀少,《红皮书》中将大猩猩列为生存受威胁的种,山地大猩猩则列为濒危的亚种。


Largest of the great apes. A stocky, powerful forest dweller native to equatorial Africa, the gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) has black skin and hair, large nostrils, and prominent brow ridges. Adults have long, powerful arms; short, stocky legs; an extremely thick, strong chest; and a protruding abdomen. Adult males have a prominent crest on top of the skull and a “saddle” of gray or silver hairs on the lower part of the back. Males, about twice as heavy as females, may reach a height of about 5.5 ft (1.7 m) and a weight of 300-600 lbs (135-275 kg). Gorillas are mainly terrestrial, walking about on all four limbs. They live in stable family groups of six to 20 animals that are led by one or two silverbacked males. They eat leaves, stalks, and shoots. They are unaggressive and even shy unless provoked. They are calmer and more persistent than chimpanzees; though not as adaptable, gorillas are highly intelligent and capable of problem solving. Hunted for its meat, and with its habitat disappearing, the gorilla is an endangered species throughout its range; the mountain gorilla subspecies is critically endangered.

分类标签: 大猩猩 gorilla and

