
南非政党和黑人民族主义组织。1912年成立,原名「南非原住民民族议会」(South African Native National Congress)。长期致力於消除南非白人当局推行的种族歧视和种族隔离政策(apartheid)。因抗议南非政府在沙佩维尔(Sharpeville, 1960)和索韦托(Soweto, 1976)对示威者的屠杀行动,非洲民族议会转而进行破坏和游击活动。1960~1990年南非政府迫於国内安全的考量,对非洲民族议会下达禁令。1991年撤销禁令,曼德拉(nelson Mandela)继任坦博(Oliver Tambo)主席的职务,并於1994年击败宿敌南非国民党(National Party of South Africa)成为南非首届多种族政府的总统。1999年姆贝基(Thabo Mbeki)接替曼德拉成为非洲民族议会的主席和南非总统。亦请参阅Inkatha Freedom Party、Lutuli, Allert、Pan-African movement。

African National Congress (ANC)

South African political party and black nationalist organization. Founded in 1912 (as the South African Native National Congress), the ANC was long dedicated to the elimination of apartheid. In response to government massacres of demonstrators at Sharpeville (1960) and Soweto (1976), it carried out acts of sabotage and guerrilla warfare. The campaign was largely ineffective, owing to stringent South African internal-security measures, including an official ban on the ANC between 1960 and 1990. In 1991, with the ban lifted, Nelson Mandela succeeded Oliver Tambo as ANC president. In 1994 the party swept the country's first all-race elections; the ANC led a coalition government that initially included members of its longtime rival, the National Party, and Mandela became South Africa's president. In 1999 Thabo Mbeki replaced him as president of the ANC and of South Africa. See also Inkatha Freedom Party, Albert Lutuli, Pan-African movement.

分类标签: 南非 议会 非洲