
一种情感方面的意识(consciousness),通常被认为是主观的感受、行为的表达和神经化学活动的综合表现。大部分的研究者主张,情绪是人类演化遗迹的一部分,藉由增加一般知觉和促进社交而逐渐适应的结果。1872年达尔文(Charles Darwin)首度提出非人类的动物也具有情绪。有广泛影响的早期情绪理论家是美国的詹姆斯和兰格(Carl Georg Lange, 1834~1900),他们认为情绪是人对外在刺激而产生的体内生理反应的一种知觉。甘农(Walter B. Cannon)质疑这种观点,并引导人注意视丘(thalamus)可能是情绪反应的一种源头。後来的研究者把焦点转向脑干结构,即网状结构,它结合了脑部活动和可引发情绪的认知或行动。认知心理学家们已着重研究在情绪形成中比较、相称性、评估、记忆、属性所扮演的角色。所有的现代理论家都认同情绪影响了人们的知觉、学习和回忆,以及在个人发展上扮演重要的作用。跨文化研究显示,许多情绪是全世界一样的,但它们所表达出的特别含意和风俗却大不相同。


Affective aspect of consciousness. The emotions are generally understood as representing a synthesis of subjective experience, expressive behavior, and neurochemical activity. Most researchers hold that they are part of the human evolutionary legacy and serve adaptive ends by adding to general awareness and the facilitation of social communication. Some nonhuman animals are also considered to possess emotions, as first described by Charles Darwin in 1872. An influential early theory of emotion was that proposed independently by William James and Carl Georg Lange (1834-1900), who held that emotion was a perception of internal physiological reactions to external stimuli. Walter B. Cannon questioned this view and directed attention to the thalamus as a possible source of emotional content. Later researchers have focused on the brain-stem structure known as the reticular formation, which serves to integrate brain activity and may infuse perceptions or actions with emotional valence. Cognitive psychologists have emphasized the role of comparison, matching, appraisal, memory, and attribution in the forming of emotions. All modern theorists agree that emotions influence what people perceive, learn, and remember, and play an important part in personality development. Cross-cultural studies have shown that, whereas many emotions are universal, their specific content and manner of expression vary considerably.

分类标签: 情绪 and emotions