
由自然营力将地表物质从地壳上除去并将这种被除去的物质从除去的地点搬走的过程。侵蚀由受风力、流水、海水(海浪)和冰川作用等引起的。侵蚀和堆积或沈积共同作用通过风、流水和冰的各种地貌作用过程改变现有地形创造出新的地形。侵蚀常在岩石通过风化(weathering)被瓦解或蚀变之後发生。流水是最重要的自然侵蚀营力。海岸的损坏或海岸侵蚀,主要是通过海浪的作用造成的。海浪侵蚀主要是通过海水的水压力和海浪拍击海岸的冲力,以及通过受海水无休止搅动的砂子和石砾的磨蚀完成的。河岸的侵蚀是由於带有沈积物的流水的冲刷所引起。冰川侵蚀主要以通过冰川从地上面磨过时对地表物质的磨蚀(大部分磨蚀作用可归因於冰川底层内嵌入的碎石)的方式进行。在某些乾旱的荒漠地带,风通过吹动沙子对造成岩石的侵蚀起着重要作用,所以,未曾黏结在一起的和未受植被保护的沙丘的表面就要遭到侵蚀并通过沙子的吹积而改变。人类的介入,无论是为了农业或放牧的理由而改变它的自然生长环境,都会造成或加速风和水的侵蚀。亦请参阅sheet erosion。


Removal of surface material from the earth's crust and transportation of the eroded materials by natural agencies from the point of removal. Erosion is caused by wind action, river and stream processes, marine processes (sea waves), and glacial processes. The complementary actions of erosion and deposition or sedimentation operate through wind, moving water, and ice to alter existing landforms and create new landforms. Erosion will often occur after rock has been disintegrated or altered through weathering. Moving water is the most important natural agent of erosion. Sea wave erosion results primarily from the impact of waves striking the shore and the abrasive action of sand and pebbles agitated by wave action. Erosion by rivers is caused by the scouring action of the sediment-containing flowing water. Glacial erosion occurs by surface abrasion as the ice, embedded with debris, moves slowly over the ground accompanied by the plucking of rock from the surface. Wind plays a key role in arid regions as blowing sand breaks down rock and dislodges surface sand from unprotected sand dunes. Human intervention, as by the removal of natural vegetation for farming or grazing purposes, can lead to or accelerate erosion by wind and water. See also sheet erosion.

分类标签: 侵蚀 冰川 erosion