
两位西班牙画家的名字。老埃雷拉(Francisco Herrera the Elder,西元约1590~1654年)早期作品遵从风格主义传统,在苏巴朗影响下,他发展了自然主义风格,见於四幅描绘圣波拿文都拉生平的风景图(1627)。1650年左右迁往马德里。经考证的最後一幅作品是受到范戴克影响的圣约瑟图(1648),以细长的形式和精细的衣纹为特色。他在塞维尔获得相当大的名气,委拉斯开兹曾短暂当过他的学生。他的儿子小埃雷拉(Francisco Herrera the Younger, 1627~1685)是一名画家与建筑师。其宗教作品带有罗马巴洛克艺术的矫饰风格,他把这种风格引进塞维尔。1660年任塞维尔新建美术学院副院长(院长为牟利罗),但不久去马德里,以绘制湿壁画和祭坛画活跃於当地。1672年任国王查理二世的画师,1677年任王室总监督。其最伟大的建筑作品是萨拉戈萨的纪念柱教堂。

Herrera, Francisco

Name of two Spanish painters. Francisco Herrera the Elder (c. 1590-1654) was a painter and engraver. His early works are in the Mannerist style. Under the influence of Francisco Zurbarán, he developed the naturalistic style seen in his four scenes from the life of St. Bonaventure (1627). Around 1650 he moved to Madrid. His last documented work, a painting of St. Joseph (1648) influenced by Anthony Van Dyck, features elongated forms and elaborate draperies. He achieved considerable fame in Sevilla (Seville), where Diego Velázquez was briefly his pupil. His son Francisco Herrera the Younger (1627-1685) worked as a painter and architect. Herrera's religious works are in the theatrical style of Roman baroque art, which he introduced in Sevilla. In 1660 he was appointed co-president (with Bartolome Esteban Murillo) of Sevilla's new Academy of Painting, but he soon left for Madrid and was active there as a painter of frescoes and altarpieces. In 1672 he was appointed painter to Charles II and in 1677 master of the Royal Works. His greatest architectural achievement was the church of El Pilar at Saragossa (begun 1681).

