
在希腊神话当中被崇奉得最广泛的神。他传达父亲宙斯的意旨,使人们认识到自己的罪恶,并为他们洗刷罪恶;他主管宗教法和城邦法;还能预言未来。其具有象徵性的弓,概括了距离、死亡、恐怖和敬畏的涵义;而他的里拉琴则象徵了音乐、诗歌和舞蹈。身为艺术的保护神,他常与缪斯(Muses)女神被联想在一起。他还是谷物与畜群之神,人们通常认为他同太阳有联系。甚至认为他就是太阳神赫利俄斯(Helios)。他被与治疗联想在一起,因为他是阿斯克勒庇俄斯(Asclepius)的父亲。传说他和他的孪生兄弟阿提米丝诞生在提洛岛上。阿波罗的神示所建於德尔斐。皮蛇运动会(Pythian Games)为纪念他杀了邪恶的巨蛇以夺取圣坛。虽然他有许多爱情事件,但大多是不幸的︰黛芬妮(Daphne)想尽力摆脱他,但被他变成月桂树--他的圣树;科罗尼丝(Coronis)在证明自己不贞时,被他的孪生姊姊阿提米丝射死;卡桑德拉(Cassandra)因拒绝他的求爱,被罚讲出真实但无人相信的预言。


Most widely revered of the Greek gods. He communicated the will of his father Zeus, made humans aware of their guilt and purified them of it, presided over religious and civil law, and foretold the future. His bow symbolized distance, death, terror, and awe; his lyre symbolized music, poetry, and dance. As a patron of the arts, he was often associated with the Muses. He was also a god of crops and herds. He became associated with the sun, and was even identified with Helios, the sun god. Also associated with healing, he was the father of Asclepius. By tradition, Apollo and his twin, Artemis, were born at Delos to Leto. Apollo's oracle was established at Delphi; the Pythian Games commemorated his killing (while still an infant) of the serpent Python to take the shrine. His many lovers fared poorly: the fleeing Daphne became a laurel tree; the unfaithful Coronis was shot by Artemis, and Cassandra, who rejected him, was doomed to utter true prophecies no one would believe.

分类标签: 神话人物 the and 象徵

