
Darrow, Clarence (Seward)

美国律师和演说家。出生於俄亥俄州金斯曼(Kinsman, Ohio),1887年搬往芝加哥,立即投入为被控在秣市骚乱(Heymarket Riot)中犯谋杀罪的无政府主义者辩护的工作。1890年任芝加哥市政机关法律顾问,後担任芝加哥和西北铁路法律事务总代理人。离开西北铁路後,曾为普尔曼罢工事件(Pullman Strike)中的德布兹(Eugene V. Debs)辩护(1894年),结果他成为闻名全国的劳工和刑事律师。在宾夕法尼亚州无烟煤矿罢工期间(1902~1903)举行的仲裁听证会上,他不仅揭露了矿工恶劣的工作条件,而且还使用童工(child labor);1907年他使被控暗杀爱达荷州(Idaho)州长斯托伦堡(Frank R. Steunenberg)的激进劳工领袖海伍德(William Haywood)被判无罪;1911年为麦克纳马拉兄弟(McNamara brothers)辩护,他们被控炸毁《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times)大楼。1925~1926年间他还救了被控谋杀十四岁的法兰克斯(Robert Franks)而被判死刑的莱奥布和利奥波德,并为一个底特律黑人家庭辩护,他们为了抵抗想赶出他们的白人邻居而与一群暴徒进行格斗。最着名的案子可能是1925年的斯科普斯审判案(Scopes trial)。


Darrow, Clarence (Seward)

U.S. lawyer and orator. Born near Kinsman, Ohio, he moved to Chicago in 1887 and immediately joined the effort to free anarchists charged with murder in the Haymarket Riot. He was appointed Chicago city corporation counsel (1890), then became general attorney for the Chicago and North Western Railway. He left the railroad to defend Eugene V. Debs in the Pullman Strike (1894), which established his reputation as a union and criminal lawyer. He represented striking Pennsylvania coal miners, drawing attention to working conditions and the use of child labor (1902-3); secured the acquittal of William Haywood in the assassination of Gov. Frank R. Steunenberg of Idaho (1907); and sought to defend the McNamara brothers, accused of bombing the Los Angeles Times building (1911). He saved Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold from a death sentence for the murder of 14-year-old Robert Franks, and won acquittal for a black family that had fought a mob trying to expel it from its home in a white Detroit neighborhood (1925-26). Perhaps his most famous case was the Scopes trial (1925).

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