

Chinese music

Traditional music of China. China has historically looked back to its "golden age," especially the Zhou dynasty (c. 1050-256/255 BC), when the basic division between "art" music (yayue) and "folk" music (suyue) was established. A period of disunity followed, and one of the philosophical traditions that arose, Confucianism, idealized Zhou musical practices. With the establishment of the Han dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), an attempt was made to recreate the tradition using the few surviving Zhou pieces as models. Another period of division came after the Han, and both Taoism and Buddhism were important influences on music: Taoist gentlemen cultivated the qin, a seven-stringed lute, concentrating on its expressive qualities rather than self-improvement, which Confucians had stressed. Buddhist missionaries introduced modal theories from Indian music; somewhat later, they performed bianwen, a popular narrative form combining words and music that described incidents from the Buddha's life. The pipa, which came to be associated with entertainment, was also developed. The reestablishment of order with the Sui and Tang dynasties (581-907) made possible a flowering of culture, including yenyue, a cosmopolitan hybrid instrumental music (yayue now being limited to ceremonial uses). Folk-song forms were adapted for lyrical expression called quzi, which often involved writing new words for old melodies, later a basic practice of Chinese opera. The Song (960-1279) and Ming (1368-1644) dynasties saw increased urbanization, and with it the rise of theatrical forms, only for the masses at first but later for the elite as well. With the Nationalist Revolution of 1911, all traces of the old order were discarded, and Western music became the ideal. After 1949 the communist regime encouraged preservation of older traditions and sought to create a hybrid modern Chinese music (including orchestras that include both Western and Chinese instruments). The "black-key" pentatonic scale is only one of several five-tone scales used in Chinese music; seven-tone scales were also common, and there is even evidence that a twelve-tone scale was derived as early as the 3rd century BC.

分类标签: the music 音乐