
Brecht, Bertolt,原名Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht。



Brecht, Bertolt

German playwright and poet. He studied medicine at Munich (1917-21) before writing his first plays, including Baal (1922). Other plays followed, including A Man's a Man (1926), as well as a considerable body of poetry. With K. Weill he wrote the satirical musicals The Threepenny Opera (1928; film, 1931), which gained him a wide audience, and The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny (1930), and the dance-drama The Seven Deadly Sins (1933). In these years he became a Marxist and developed his theory of epic theater. With the rise of the Nazis he went into exile, first in Scandinavia (1933-41), then in the U.S., where he wrote his major essays and such plays as Mother Courage and Her Children (1941), The Life of Galileo (1943), The Good Woman of Sichuan (1943), and The Caucasian Chalk Circle (1948). Harassed for his politics, he returned to East Germany in 1949, where he established the Berliner Ensemble theater troupe and staged his own plays, including The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui (1957). He outlined his theory of drama in A Little Organum for the Theater (1949).

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