
Joyce, James (Augustine Aloysius)

爱尔兰小说家。在一个耶稣会学校(虽然他不久就反对天主教)和都柏林的大学学院里受的教育,他很早就决定要当作家。1902年他移居巴黎,原本想把家安置在巴黎,但在第里雅斯特和苏黎士待了几年後,情况发生了变化。此後由於经济拮据、使他完全失明的慢性眼疾、审查问题以及他女儿露琪亚的精神病,使得他的生活一直很困难。着名的小说集《都柏林人》(1914)和自传体小说《青年艺术家的肖像》(1916)把新的技巧带进了英国小说以及他後来要进一步发展的短篇小说中去。在得到朋友们和支持者们(包括庞德和哈丽叶.韦弗)的经济援助後,他花了七年的时间写了《尤里西斯》(1922),这是一部引起争?a href='http://www.b15k.com/baike/222/323577.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>榈木渲鳎ㄏ柔嵩诿拦陀⒐唤衷诒还惴撼腥鲜?0世纪英语小说中最杰出的作品。它包含了对语言运用的高度实验性以及对一些新的文学方式的探索,如内心独白和意识流的解说。在他的最後作品,另类的《为芬尼根守灵》(1939)他花费了十七年,此书以它的复杂性和对语言监赏力的要求着称。他还发表了三本诗集--《室内乐》(1907)、《潘伊奇诗集》(1927)和《诗集》。


Joyce, James (Augustine Aloysius)

Irish novelist. Educated at a Jesuit school (though he soon rejected Catholicism) and at University College, Dublin, he decided early to become a writer. In 1902 he moved to Paris, which would become his principal home after years spent in Trieste and Zurich. His life henceforth would be a difficult one, marked by financial troubles, chronic eye diseases that occasionally left him totally blind, censorship problems, and his daughter Lucia's mental illness. The remarkable story collection The Dubliners (1914) and the autobiographical novel Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) brought new techniques to the English novel and short story which he would later develop much further. With financial help from friends and supporters, including Ezra Pound and Harriet Shaw Weaver, he spent seven years writing Ulysses (1922), the controversial masterpiece (initially banned in the U.S. and Britain) now widely regarded as the greatest 20th-century English-language novel. It embodies a highly experimental use of language and exploration of such new literary methods as interior monologues and stream-of-consciousness narrative. He spent 17 years on his final work, the extraordinary Finnegans Wake (1939), famous for its complex and demanding linguistic virtuosity. He also published three poetry collections—Chamber Music (1907), Pomes Penyeach (1927), and Collected Poems (1937)—and the play Exiles (1918).

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